Tuesday, November 25, 2008

C.o.P.y P.a.S.t.E

Name: Ruhil Hayati Hamdan

Sister(s): 3 sisters (GiRL PoWeR!)
Brother(s): 1 (the only one! Abgchik)

Shoe size: 8 or 9 (men size..huhu..bukan tapak kaki panjang tapi lebau..hoho)
Height: 160 cm (same tinggi ngan CT PERAMPAS)

Where do you live: Kuala Terengganu

Have you ever

been on a plane : Yes (2 times, sekali tu ada org blanja + g interview...huh! interview jauh giler tp xdpt pon...BENCI...)

Swam in the ocean: Haha..masa kecik2 sll mandi kat laut ngan famili..pakai pelampung.. n masa jd stud BioD, byk kuar sana sini.. the best memory is...in Pulau Redang, masa tu berlatih water confident..mula2 ok(time pegang tangan Prof Glenn..)sebaik aje aku lepas, aku rasa cam air masuk telinga... terjerit2 aku mintak tlg kat Prof Glenn.. SAH AKU AQUAPHOBIA kalo kat laut...

Fallen asleep at school:Haha! start duk hostel (form 1,2&3)aku mmg kuat tido dlm kelas... Mana taknya, selalu STAY-UP ikut org baca buku.. but not me, aku rasa susah la study kat tmpt lain selain umah sniri.. so, aku TENGOK org study sambil KACAU (berborak)..Alkisahnya...masa form 2, aku tertido dlm kelas Geografi..Eh, jgn jeles! aku ada kebolehan tido tegak tp kepala tunduk kebawah... hahaha!.. Cikgu Norhiyati (guru geografi yg suke cubit org) pon panggil nama aku..."Ruhil, jangan baca buku dekat sangat.. nanti mata rosak"..kahkahkah..terus segar aku dr mengantuk...Member aku kat sebelah (Ecah..kemana la ko menghilang skang????) geram je bile cikgu tak tau yg aku tido sbb kalo org lain mmg dh kene...kaukaukau...

Broken someone’s heart: MY ABAH(bole kira tak? ahah3x... Dia nak aku jd DOKTOR spital..Tp abah, akak jd DR IKAN je la eh..)

Fell off your chair: NOPE coz always berhati2 bila nak duduk... tengok fit tak ngan aku punye _ _ _ T_T...kahk3x

by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Tunggu abah call.. maklumle xde bf.. tp aku ni susah nak sembang dlm phone, xreti.. Betapanya aku xberapa kisah ngan fon ni..time darjah 2 aku xingat pon no fon umah..n selalu tanya Marlia no umah aku..ahah3x.. N now, kalo silent tu xingat dah nak btolkan melainkan tiba2 nak guna hantar sms...

Saved e-mails: Alamak! jenis org yang save email laaaaaaa... In my Yahoo!Mail penuh ngan folder org yg hantar email kat aku..but, tapis jg la mana yg best... Ada seseorg ni aku tgh terpk nk delete folder nama dia..dulu2 try xbole, tp skang dah tau nk wat cmne..xdelete la plak...hish!hish!hish! tp email dia sume dh delete..cm tggl folder je la..

What is your room like: BUJANG STAIL

What’s right beside you: KOTAK...masa tengah menaip ni ada kat lab..tp Alhamdulillah..ada gak bilik kat lab yg bole access internet...bole la YM ngan HuHuDaDa..

What is the last thing you ate: YANG SEDAP eh... HUDA belanja makan kat kopitiam sebelah secret recipe.. WE MAKE A CONCLUSION THAT kalo org blanja ikhlas mst sedap n kenyang..hahahaha..pandai je..

Ever had…Chicken pox:Yup, in standard 1, bestnye cuti lama...aku cuti hampir sebulan... Tp aku rajin datang sekolah cm x masuk kelas..mana taknya, mak aku anto adik farah n abgchik kat umah org jaga depan sekolah.. aku pon amik kesempatan main tolak2 troli adik farah depan kelas..Nasib baik cikgu xmarah aku buat bising..

Sore throat: Adoi!Ni la tanda2 nak demam.. paling teruk raya aritu..adusss! malas nak mkn ubat..tp terpaksa makan..so,ngantuk.. blik kampung plak tu... ish3x..abgchik paling susah nak jaga kalau blik kampung..mengada2x

Stitches: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS... in my second last sem degree... urgggggghhh..hate it... lutut aku sakit smp skang bila musim tengkujoe bcos of that stupid accident.. (THIS IS LONG STORY...)

Broken nose: No but my hidung penyed..huhu..

Do you…

Believe in love at first sight : YESSS... but like the man with brain more...

Who was/were…

The last person you danced with: ABGCHIK..my luvlie bro..now, dia sombong ngan aku bila blik umah...

Last made you smile: HuHuDaDa...budak ni mmg kuat klako dia... aku plak rasa sronok nk pukul dia time dia bt lawak... (ORG YG DAH KITA RASA SELESA)

Today did you…

Talk to someone you like: Absolutely....

Get sick: NOPE..

Miss someone: MY FAMILY..Abah, mama, abgchik, fara n kak intan..(the most important person in my life)

Did you ever…

Kissed anyone: hahahaha..mesti la... abah, mama, my siblings.. plg byk, ABGCHIK... aku sayang sangat kat dia.. dr kecik sampai besar, memang duduk atas riba aku

Talk to an ex: NOPE, coz xpernah ada bf (KESIANKAN..hahahaha)

Miss your ex: SAME AS ABOVE

Who do you really hate: STABBER...TWO FACES....

Do you like your hand-writing: Sometimes...

Are your toe nails painted: HARAM ma...

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: katil abah, katil fara...(katil kak intan xbest...sll longgok baju dia...n blik dia mmg panas..MISTERI)

What color shirt are you wearing now: Alamak! i'm wearing baju kurung..

Are you a friendly person: Sometimes.. depends on the person..

Do you have any pets: Ada... MEOW.. skang pagi2.. asal kuar umah je,ada dua ekor kucing yg sll dtg n mengeow minta makan.. nasib baik adik nurul cerdik,,,dia dah siap letak sebungkus plastik besar makanan kat luar.. senang, ceduk jerrr..

Do you sleep with the TV on: Pernah tp mst akan tiba2 terjaga... bangun n tutup TV..

What are you doing right now: Staring at comp n try to finish dis tag...

Can you handle the truth: MAYBE

Are you closer to your mother or father: Abah..dia suke dengar cerita anak2 dia... mama dulu garang (BIASA LA STUFFNURSE)skang..best dah..mama lebih sporting sebenarnya berbanding abah..dia layan je kalo kita minat bli bear, kumpul cute2 things.. Abah, suke berbelanja utk makan, pakai.... lain2 yg mengarut, dia xlayan.. penat aku ngorat abah bgtau bear tu cantik..dia tak hiraukan langsung..but, my mama layan je..walaupon dia xbeli, tp atleast dia ckp gak "NANTI MAMA DAPAT KUTU MAMA BLIKAN"

Do you eat healthy: NOPE see the body la....akakakakaka..tp suke bg tips kat org..(Yeke? ke perasan sensorg)

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Hahahaha..kan xde bf..simpankan org punyer ada la...ahah..

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: AKU HANYA ADA HUDA DISAMPINGKU.. gelombang sama..

Are you loud or quiet most of the time: loud..hahahahaha..sume org kata aku senang ati..tp bile nangis...DLM TOILET..

Are you confident: X, kalo x dpt keje dah...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago..kene amik periksa sekolah agama, leceh kene hafal..maklumle..malas menghafal...petang2 kene g kelas tambahan utk periksa tu..blik penat n trus tido..blik umah kene marah ngan abah, xbaca buku... tp bangga coz dlm kelas aku cepat tangkap subjek kimia...

Things I would do if I were a billionaire1.
-Masuk skim Pak Man Telo..ahah..just joking...
-BUAT LAB...kikiki...

-5 places I’ve lived/living
1.Selangor (dulu rasa bese je..skang dirindui..)
2.Pulau Mutiara (hhhhmm..hampeh je duk cni... sronok shopping..)
3.Bandaraya Warisan Pesisir pantai (EH?)..teringat lawak uda kat Whelter psl bangunan pencakar langit
4.UK kot (berangan..ahah..)

5 people I tag:


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